18 Things Women Need to Stop Apologizing For Right Now

Over the past 100 years, society has come an incredibly long way in becoming more egalitarian and fairer to everyone, regardless of their gender. But unfortunately, some women still have the sense that they shouldn’t do or say certain things for the sake of conforming to societal expectations. To help bring more awareness to this issue, we’ve outlined 18 things women need to stop apologizing for.

Having an Opinion

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Sadly, a lot of women feel reluctant to share their opinions and guilty when they do, especially when they believe doing so could upset others or result in disapproval. Being authentic and standing up for what you believe in is incredibly important and healthy, allowing you to live freely and speak your mind regardless of what others may think.

Saying No

Photo Credit: Andrii Zastrozhnov/Shutterstock

According to Psychology Today, women often have a harder time saying “no” for several reasons, including social conditioning, a fear of rejection, and a lack of confidence. However, in truth, there is no reason to feel guilty or bad about refusing something or someone. We all have different preferences, and it’s incredibly important to maintain healthy boundaries that reflect and respect your true feelings.

Taking Up Space

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It’s a sad fact that many women feel like they have to take up as little space as possible, fearing that they may otherwise be perceived as disruptive, needy, or selfish. But on the contrary, taking up space, whether physically or conversationally, is actually about respecting your needs and recognizing your own value and worth in any situation.

Eating What You Want

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For too long, women have been shamed for their dietary choices. We should all feel comfortable eating whatever we want without the fear of being judged or looked down upon. You’re much more likely to have a healthy relationship with food if you base your choices on what feels right and healthy for you instead.

Setting Boundaries

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Boundaries play a hugely important role in all kinds of relationships, so it’s a real shame that some women feel like they need to apologize for setting them. Setting boundaries does not make you rude, needy, or obnoxious. It’s actually one of the best ways you can respect yourself and the person you’re talking to, promoting direct, clear, and honest communication.


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Unfortunately, some people still believe in the ignorant stereotype of women being overly emotional and irrational. As a result, some women feel like they need to hide, suppress, or apologize for their emotions. In reality, having emotions is a completely normal part of being human, and it’s much healthier to express them rather than keep them bottled up.


Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

Women often feel like they have to downplay their accomplishments or be apologetic about finding success. It’s a very outdated idea that men should always be more successful or hold greater positions of power than women, so it’s about time that we stopped giving it any credit. Remember that you’ve earned your achievements, and you have every right to be proud of them.


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When it comes to appearance, women often feel like they can’t win whatever they do. If they get dressed up, they may be criticized for trying too hard, being unnatural, or fishing for attention. Yet when they do go out in a more natural state, they may be told that they’re lazy, unattractive, or not trying hard enough. Your worth is not dependent on how you look or what others think of you, so it’s much healthier to dress in a way that feels good and comfortable to you, regardless of what others say.

Being Yourself

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Women come in all shapes, sizes, and personality types, so it is completely wrong to expect them to all conform to the same idea of femininity. Whether you’re quiet, outspoken, ambitious, or reserved, you should feel free to be your authentic self without having to worry about others judging you.

Taking Time for Yourself

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Everybody needs a break sometimes, so women really shouldn’t apologize when they need time off to recharge and take care of themselves. As noted by the Mayo Clinic, working too much can put you at risk of burnout and associated physical health issues, so it’s important to balance your productivity with relaxation.

Speaking Up

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While men are usually praised for speaking up and standing up for what they believe in, sadly, this is not always the case when women do the same. They often fear that they may be met with dismissal, disapproval, or offense. However, it’s important to remember that your voice is valuable and deserves to be heard, no matter whether everyone agrees or not.

Personal Preferences

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Women sometimes feel the need to apologize if their opinion is different from others’ and may even hold back from expressing it altogether. But your preferences are a natural part of who you are, so you really don’t need to justify or apologize for them.


Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

Everyone makes mistakes every now and then, but sadly, women are likely to feel like these slip-ups will be taken as a sign of failure, inferiority, or incompetence. In reality, both men and women are always making mistakes, and there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s a normal part of learning and growing, so you don’t need to be overly apologetic when it inevitably happens.

Asking for Help

Photo Credit: Egoitz Bengoetxea/Shutterstock

As noted by Psychology Today, it’s common for women to feel like asking for help somehow makes them seem weaker or less capable. But in truth, acknowledging your need for help shows strength, confidence, and self-awareness. Everybody needs help sometimes, and it doesn’t make you any less worthy or strong.


Photo Credit: Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock

Unfortunately, while men are often encouraged to be bold and assertive, women are sometimes criticized for being “aggressive” or “rude” for acting the exact same way. But it’s completely healthy to stand up for yourself, and doing so is actually a great sign of confidence and self-respect.

Personal Choices

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If your choices aren’t harming anyone else, then people have no right to criticize you for them. But sadly, women are often made to feel like they should apologize for the choices they make about their careers, family lives, or bodies. Remember that as long as you’re sticking to what feels good and right to you, you’re making the right decision and have nothing to be sorry about.

Changing Your Mind

Photo Credit: Marcos Mesa Sam Wordley/Shutterstock

The stereotype about women being indecisive or taking too long to make a decision can cause them to feel like they’re not allowed to change their minds. But in reality, it’s actually healthier to remain open-minded to new ideas rather than stubbornly sticking to one opinion or decision forever, making it a strength rather than a weakness.

Seeking Balance

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As noted by the Washington Post, women often get less paid time off than men, despite being more likely to need it for commitments such as childcare. This can also leave them feeling guilty when they do seek to restore their work-life balance by taking time out to rest or have fun. But doing so is incredibly important for your well-being, so it’s about time we let women find the right balance for them.

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