18 Subtle Signs You’re Being Taken for Granted

Are your friends, coworkers, or family members taking you for granted? In this article, you’ll find 18 subtle signs that might indicate that they are.

You’re Overworked

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According to CBS News, three in five Americans who log 50 to 59 hours per week feel overworked. If you are being overworked at home or the office, then people are taking advantage of you, as they should respect that, like everyone else, you need time to rest.

You’re Not Getting Benefits

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Zippia says the four mandatory benefits for employees in the U.S. are paid annual leave, parental leave, worker’s compensation insurance, and paid sick leave. If you’re not getting the benefits you’re entitled to, you’re being taken advantage of, and your employers must rectify this.

Your Values Are Ignored

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Another way that people show that they take you for granted is when they bully you into ignoring your values. When they push you into doing something that you have expressed you don’t feel comfortable with, they show that they don’t care about you.

You’re Underpaid

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YouGov says that most Americans think they’re either very or somewhat underpaid (58%). If you aren’t receiving enough pay from your employers, they might be taking advantage of you. Knowing the details of your contract and sticking to them is very important.

They’re Not Listening

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One telltale sign that you’re being taken for granted is that others aren’t listening to you. If people are often asking you to repeat things and are asking questions about things you’ve already said, this may be because they were never listening to you in the first place.

They Lie to You

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Golden Steps ABA estimates that the average person tells around 1–2 lies per day. But when people lie to you, they’re trying to deceive you and are clearly showing that they take you for granted. You should limit your contact with people who habitually lie.

They Gossip About You

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TLC says that the average person gossips for 52 minutes a day. When people gossip about you, they show that they’re taking you for granted and don’t care about your feelings. This is especially true when the people who are gossiping are your close friends or family.

You’re Disrespected

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People who treat you in a disrespectful way show that they don’t value you and are taking you for granted. But you don’t have to put up with a lack of respect and can confidently express how you would like to be treated in a relationship and at work.

They Don’t Share

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People show that they take you for granted when they don’t share with you, even when you have worked hard. Rather, they show that they value your efforts when they’re generous with you, or at least give you the reward that corresponds to your efforts.

You Do Everything

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Are you the one who works, cooks, cleans, irons, and looks after the kids in the relationship? Then your partner might be showing that they take you for granted. If they aren’t pulling their weight around the house, they’re expressing their lack of appreciation for you.

You’re Not Included

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If your friends often exclude you from social activities, then they might not be as good friends as you think they are. So-called friends who demand a lot from you but don’t show kindness to you are really showing that they take you for granted.

They Ignore Your Well-Being

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When people fail to ask you about your well-being or take a personal interest in you, they’re showing that they’re taking you for granted. Simple chit-chat and an exchange of pleasantries can indicate that the person really cares about and values you.

They Talk Too Much

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A person who grabs the lion’s share of a conversation and doesn’t allow you to get a word in edgewise shows that they’re taking you for granted. Of course, everyone has their days when they need to offload, but if your voice is never being heard, this may show that others lack appreciation for you.

They Are Never Thankful

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Saying thank you after someone does something for you is one of life’s essential actions. If someone expects you to do things and never shows themselves thankful, then they’re showing that they’re ungrateful and that they’re taking you for granted. This is true even with close friends and family.

Their Tone Is Harsh

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Speaking to someone in a harsh tone of voice is very condescending and belittling. If someone constantly speaks to you in a harsh tone, then this could indicate that they take you for granted. You must speak up about it and ask the person to treat others as they would like to be treated.

You Are Ignored

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If you ask someone to do something and they ignore you, they’re showing that they don’t respect you. But someone who continually ignores you is showing that they’re taking you for granted. This is true no matter whether you’re being ignored at home or at the workplace.

They Don’t Try

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If someone is constantly only giving you their minimal effort, they’re showing you that they’re taking you for granted. This could happen in a relationship where you’re trying your hardest to keep the two of you together while your partner makes no effort at all.

You Are a Victim of Violence

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Statistics from the National Coalition of Domestic Violence say that on average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. Domestic abuse is a clear sign that you’re being taken for granted by those who are close to you. For anonymous, confidential help, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline anytime at 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE) or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY).

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