18 Qualities a Person with True Integrity Will Have

A person who has true integrity will display some qualities that not everyone can develop. What are these qualities? You’ll find 18 examples of them in this article.

Honest In Word

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According to statistics from the University of Massachusetts, 60% of people can’t go ten minutes without lying. But a person who values integrity won’t be known for telling lies. Rather, they will always tell the truth. They will do this even when it’s difficult for them.


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The Economic Times says that people gossip 52 minutes a day, on average, in 16 waking hours. But a person who has integrity will not engage in gossip; rather, they will be a confidential person. You’ll be able to talk to them about the things that are closest to you without feeling afraid that they’ll tell someone else.


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Indeed says that having deadlines and meeting them can be an effective way to make sure you achieve your long and short-term goals. A responsible person is someone who has integrity. This person will take care of their duties and finish them on time. They will allocate their time well to ensure they’re making time for the most important things.


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A person with true integrity will always show loyalty to their family, friends, and partner. They will stick up for their loved ones even when others speak badly about them. They will always show loyalty to their loved ones through good and bad times.


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Legacy Business Cultures says that both respect and pride are important for our well-being and success. Someone with integrity will also be a respectful person. They will not look down on others or belittle them. Instead, they’ll accept that they can learn something from everyone.


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A person who values integrity will always be gentle. They will never be violent toward those they are close to or strangers. They will show by their actions that they treat others the way they would like to be treated. They are gentle, not harsh.


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The statistics from Johns Hopkins Medicine show that 62% of American adults say they need more forgiveness in their personal lives. Being forgiving is an important quality that people of integrity must show. This entails recognizing that others will make mistakes, overlooking them, and moving forward.

Kind In Word

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Case Western Reserve University says that giving compliments increases your stress resilience and physical health. Yes, someone with integrity will speak kind words and share sincere compliments with others. Everything they say will be kind and demonstrate the true affection they feel for others, including those they don’t know.


male friends
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A person who values integrity will be selfless. They will not insist on always having their own way. They do things to benefit others, even when these things could be inconvenient to them. They will put others in first place, especially their friends and family.


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A person who values integrity will be humble. Their humility will help them accept counsel when it is given and put it into practice. The person will also genuinely thank the person who gave them the counsel, recognizing that doing so requires courage and will help them become better people.


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A person of integrity will always be faithful to their partner. They will be faithful by rejecting advances from workmates or anyone outside their relationship. They will also show their faithfulness to their partner and respect for their feelings by being selective when choosing entertainment.

Honest In Action

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A person with integrity shows honesty in the things they do. If they find something that’s not theirs, they try their best to give it back to its rightful owner, even when they may be able to benefit from what they found. They would never steal.


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A person who values integrity will be upfront with others. They won’t try to hide who they are and will not pretend to be something they’re not. They won’t be afraid of showing their true personality to their friends and won’t behave in a certain way just to fit in.


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People with integrity are always sincere and live by the motto, “What you see is what you get.” They’re not kind in front of others and then rude behind closed doors; rather, they treat their family and partner in the same kind way at home as they would in the public eye.


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Integrity stems from true love for others and an honest desire to do what’s right. Love for people will motivate a person with integrity to treat others in a kind way and go out of their way to do things for them. They will make kind gestures, even to strangers.


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A person with integrity is also trustworthy. They won’t deceive others or lead them to the wrong conclusions. They are never envious. These people make honest business dealings and don’t try to pull the wool over anyone’s eyes.


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A person with integrity will also be budget-conscious. They will recognize their responsibilities and allocate their money well to ensure they cover all of their bills before spending their money on unimportant things. This person will also be responsible and save money for a rainy day.


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A person with integrity will always seek what is right and fair. When they see injustice happening, they try their best to rectify the situation. They always strive to do what’s right.

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