18 Behaviors That Make People Lose Respect For You

We all like to be respected, but are you doing something that could make others lose respect for you? You’ll find 18 actions that you must avoid in this article.


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In a survey by Cross River Therapy, most people—about 75% of survey respondents—told zero to two lies per day. Although lying is very common, it’s still an action that can make others lose respect for you. Depending on the gravity and consequences of the lie, others may never trust you again.


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According to the Couples Academy, 43.7 percent of cheating women and 22.2 percent of cheating men have cheated on their spouse with someone they both know. Cheating is an action that many people engage in that completely diminishes the respect your partner, friends, and family have for you.


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Statistics from the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence say that, on average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. When you are violent toward your partner, they stop trusting you, and respect goes out the window.


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Shouting and displaying angry behavior can quickly make others lose respect for you. People expect you to control yourself, especially in front of others. So, if you often see red in the presence of your friends, family, and coworkers, they’ll be less than impressed.


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Business says that 30% of workers have direct experience being bullied in the workplace, and an additional 19% have witnessed it. No one likes a bully, so if you treat others badly, they’ll stop respecting you. You may even get into serious trouble at your workplace.


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The statistics from Business Insider say the average American utters 80 to 90 curse words every day. But many people find that when people curse too much, they lose respect for them. It is as if the person lacks imagination or an ample vocabulary to express themselves with alternative words.


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Most people will look down on flirting and showing interest in someone who’s not their partner. So when you flirt, others lose respect for you. They begin to see you as someone they can’t trust and who is willing to do anything to get what they want.


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The Cambridge Dictionary says that blackmail is the act of getting money from people or forcing them to do something by threatening to tell a secret of theirs or to harm them. When you blackmail others, they stop trusting you and quickly lose the respect they had for you.


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Most people find it hard to respect people who boast. This is because the person praises themselves so much that others don’t want to add to that. Boasting can be destructive to the relationships you have with your family at home and with your colleagues in the workplace.

Wasting Money

Having Money male
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A person who doesn’t know how to budget their money and wastes it will soon lose the respect of their families and those who are dependent on them. If you spend your money on pleasures and then don’t have enough to pay your bills, you’re being irresponsible.


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If you deceive others, that means that you try to make them believe something that’s not true. But when others realize what you’ve done, they will see you as a corrupt person who is only interested in their own personal gain and is willing to do whatever it takes to succeed.


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People know when they’re being manipulated, and they don’t like it. That’s why manipulating others and trying to coerce them into doing something that will benefit you is not a good idea. A person who realizes you’re manipulating others will lose respect for you.


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Being disloyal to your friends, coworkers, or members of your family will quickly make you the unpopular person in the room. No one likes a backstabber—the person who is nice to your face and then speaks badly about you behind your back. People value loyalty; it’s what helps us to trust others.


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Are you nice to your friends and family when you are out in public, but then horrible to them when you’re behind closed doors? Being two-faced is a quality that everyone dislikes and will make it very difficult for your friends and family to respect you.


couple woman happy drink
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Many people enjoy engaging in gossip, but as soon as you do, those who participate in the conversation will lose respect for you. They will feel like they can no longer trust you, and this will make them cautious about sharing personal information in your presence.


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Selfishness is another trait that we can’t stand. If you care little about the feelings of others and always help yourself to the lion’s share, people will stop respecting you. They will view you as a self-centered person who is living in a “me first” world.

Not Listening

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People like to be heard, so if you’re in the middle of a conversation but you’re not taking in what the other person is saying, they’ll get annoyed. If you’re known for being someone who doesn’t listen and makes it clear that you are not interested in what others say, they’ll find it hard to respect you.


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Engaging in dishonest practices is another action that will quickly make others lose respect for you. When others realize that you’ve stolen from them, they’ll see you as someone whom they can’t trust and that they must be wary of. This trust is hard to regain.

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