17 Ways You Can Tell You’re On the Path to Success

Many people think being successful in life is all about having a big house, driving a fancy car, and going on lavish holidays. In reality, success is simpler than that, and these 17 signs you’re winning in life are classic examples!

Having a roof over your head

Photo Credit: Evgeny Atamanenko/Shutterstock

According to the Homeless World Cup, it is estimated that 150 million people worldwide are homeless. We’d all like a bigger house, but even if your home is simple and basic, having a roof over your head means you are extremely fortunate.

Food Isn’t a Problem

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With millions living in poverty and fighting every day to put food on the table, having a full fridge and stocked cupboards is a sure sign of success. If you don’t have to worry about where your next meal is coming from, you are certainly winning at life.

Your standards are high

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If you know your worth and are unapologetic about it, you’re winning in life! You never resort to compromising on your standards, holding out for what truly brings you happiness. You know what you bring to the table and are content alone until the right opportunity comes along.

Seeing the bigger picture

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Life is a rollercoaster, and there will always be a constant stream of ups and downs. If you can look at the negatives and see past them to the bigger picture, it is a sign that you’re on the winner’s path. Life goes on despite our downfalls.

You have ambition

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Feeling successful in life is all about being satisfied and having a purpose. Ambition is a trait that will give you direction, something to aim for, and goals to strive towards. Without ambition, it is difficult to have any drive, and without achieving goals, you’re unlikely to feel accomplished.

You love your job

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A job is essential in today’s society, but unfortunately, many people hate theirs. If you wake up every morning and get to do something you love while getting paid for it, you’ve certainly found success in your career. The paycheck is irrelevant as long as it pays your bills and makes you happy.

Having a small circle of true friends

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It’s a huge misconception that the more friends you have, the more successful you are. There is much greater value in having a small circle of good friends you can rely on than having a large number of acquaintances who don’t bring much to your life. If you’ve achieved this, you’re winning at life!

Not living paycheck to paycheck

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Financial struggles weigh heavily on us, and if it’s tight to make ends meet, it is likely to bring you a lot of stress. Ramsey Solutions found that 78% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, but if you’ve broken out of that cycle, you’re on a winning streak.

You’re in control of debts

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It’s easy to assume that being debt-free means you’re winning at life, but in reality, the vast majority of us have some form of debt. The likes of medical debt and mortgages are often essential, but if you’re in control of them, they don’t pose an issue.

Traveling a lot

Photo Credit: Sven Hansche/Shutterstock

Travel is one of the finest things in this life, and if you’re enjoying experiences over material things, you’re on the right track. Regardless of whether it is the most extravagant vacation in the Maldives or a budget-friendly camping trip in the next state, traveling is always a luxury.

Learning from your mistakes

Photo Credit: Leszek Glasner/Shutterstock

It’s easy to live in denial or pass the book, but actually taking ownership of your mistakes and learning from them is a route to success. Psychology Today says that the only way we learn is by making mistakes; it’s only important that we deal with them and grow from them.

Embracing change

Photo Credit: mavo/Shutterstock

They say that the only constant in life is change, so learning to embrace it is the only way to win in life. Everything is temporary, and sometimes, things need to fall apart for them to fall together. Embracing this change rather than denying it is one of life’s little wins.

You avoid drama

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Drama is for the selfish and immature. A life swirling in drama can never be a winner, as it is an unnecessary stressor. When you avoid drama, you relieve stress and tension from your life, leading you toward success. Perhaps more importantly, avoiding gossip helps to improve the lives of those around you!

You have a great work-life balance

Photo Credit: DimaBerlin/Shutterstock

In the modern-day hustle culture, it’s easy to get consumed by work and prioritize it above all else. While work is important for both drive and finances, we need a balance to rest, recharge, and enjoy our lives. If you are content with your work-life balance, you are winning at life.

Valuing growing older

Photo Credit: michaeljung/Shutterstock

Aging is tough, but there is so much value in growing older. Getting older means you have taken another trip around the sun, and when you appreciate this, you enjoy your life more. Every day is a blessing, and those who are winning at life identify what a privilege it is to grow old.

Having inner peace

Photo Credit: Makistock/Shutterstock

If you go to bed every evening feeling content, you have found inner peace. Inner peace comes from being happy and appreciative of what we have, from being grateful for our relationships, from self-love and a sense of self-worth, and from the ultimate life goal of being content.

You are healthy

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Perhaps the number one priority in life is health. In the words of Medical News Today, health is “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Healthy people live happier lives, so if you’ve dedicated yourself to achieving optimum health, congratulations–you’re winning at life.

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