None of us want to show our rear-ends when we go out in public or have people think we were raised in a cave, so it’s important to follow social etiquette and be on our best behavior. These 17 behaviors will make people think you’re lacking class.
Living Beyond Your Means
“Keeping up with the Joneses” suggests a lack of financial responsibility that classy people just don’t bother with. Maxing out credit cards for luxury items or taking out loans for extravagant vacations isn’t worth it to the financially literate. It’s not just about the money; it’s about the impression of trying too hard to appear wealthier than you are.
Public Displays of Anger
NIH reports, “Individuals with lower social status have been reported to express more anger, but this evidence comes mostly from Western cultures.” Making a scene in public, whether yelling at a cashier or arguing loudly with a partner, is not something people who have been raised right engage in. It shows a lack of self-control and respect for others around you. People tend to view such outbursts as a sign of poor upbringing and emotional immaturity.
Using Toothpicks in Public
While it might seem harmless, using a toothpick in public, especially at a dining table, is considered a major etiquette faux pas. It’s unsightly and unhygienic. If you must remove something from your teeth, it’s best to excuse yourself and do it privately.
Wearing Inappropriate Attire
Showing up to formal events in casual or inappropriate attire, like wearing jeans to a wedding or flip-flops to a business meeting, shows a lack of socialization. You’re telling people you have no respect for them or the occasion. If you need to go to a formal event but don’t have the money to purchase a fancy suit or gown, consider renting, borrowing, or buying from a second-hand store.
Excessive Use of Profanity
While a well-placed curse word might be acceptable among friends, overusing them can be off-putting to others. Knowing the time and place for everything, including a few four-letter words, is key to showing you belong in any social circle.
Not Tipping Service Staff
In many cultures, especially in the United States, not tipping service staff is considered extremely rude and low-class. A Pew study shows, “In most scenarios, upper-income Americans are more likely than those with middle or lower incomes to tip always or often.” Tipping is a way to show appreciation for good service, and failing to do so can make you seem cheap and inconsiderate.
Talking Loudly on the Phone
You aren’t as interesting as you think. Most people don’t want to listen to half of your conversation while you’re on the phone in a restaurant or on public transportation. If you absolutely must be loud on the phone, at least put it on speaker so we can hear the whole thing, though that is still pretty inconsiderate.
Blowing Your Nose at the Table
If you need to blow your nose, excuse yourself and do it in the restroom. Blowing your nose at the dining table is a massive no-no. It’s considered unhygienic and unpleasant for others who are eating.
Haggling in Inappropriate Places
While haggling over everything is completely commonplace, “in Europe and North America, haggling is generally accepted for larger ticket items like automobiles, jewelry, and real estate—but not for smaller day-to-day items like combs or a gallon of milk,” according to Investopedia. Make sure haggling is socially acceptable before trying to save a little cash at a retail store.
Overly Flashy Displays of Wealth
Flaunting wealth through overly flashy displays, like wearing excessive jewelry or constantly discussing money, often gives off the opposite impression that the person was hoping for. It can come off as tacky and insecure, as if you’re trying too hard to impress others. And people may assume you are making it up and are actually broke.
Eating Before Everyone Is Served
“Wait to begin eating until everyone is seated and served. Use proper utensils to eat, and cut your food into bite-sized pieces. Ask your neighbor to pass an item on the table rather than reaching across their plate to get it;” these are just basic table manners, according to Bright Horizons. Digging into your food while others have yet to receive theirs just shows you are impatient and think your needs are more important than showing respect for others at the table. Keep nibbling at bread and butter if you are ravenous.
Leaving a Mess in Public Spaces
Hopefully, your parents have taught you to clean up after yourself. Leaving behind your trash in public locations shows you don’t care about the world around you, and you think it’s someone else’s problem to deal with, which is decidedly not cool.
Not Saying ‘Please’ and ‘Thank You’
Failing to use basic manners like saying “please” and “thank you” might make people think you were raised by wolves. These simple words show respect and appreciation for others. Neglecting them can make you appear rude and ungrateful.
Engaging in gossip, especially in a malicious or hurtful way, is not how self-respecting people act. It shows a lack of integrity and respect for others’ privacy and makes you look untrustworthy and mean-spirited.
Overindulging in Alcohol
No one likes a sloppy drunk. Overindulging in beverages can take away any sense of dignity as you wobble and slur your words, which may lead to some apologies the next day. If you want people to have high opinions of you, make sure to know your limits and imbibe responsibly.
Being Rude to Service Staff
Treat everyone with kindness and respect. Being rude or dismissive to service staff, like waiters or cashiers, indicates low social skills and standing. Pay attention to how people treat wait staff; it will tell you more about them than a dating profile.
Public Displays of Affection
While a little affection is fine, excessive public displays of affection (PDA) can be distasteful. It can make others uncomfortable and is often seen as inappropriate. Save the more intimate moments for private settings.